Today we pay a short visit to the Mummification Museum in Luxor. The museum opened its doors in 1997 and it is one of the specialized museums of Egypt. It highlights topics related to death and mummification in the ancient Egyptian belief.
The main part of the museum is the Hall of Artifacts that is divided into two parts. The first part is an ascending corridorthat displays tablets based on the papyri of Hun-nefer and Ani, depicting the journey of the body from death to burial.The second part of the Hall of Artifacts is the actual hall, where objects related to burial and mummification as well ashuman and animal mummies are displayed.
Today we look at the first part of the Hall of Artifacts, which is the ascending corridor with the tablets based on the papyriof Hun-nefer and Ani.
The original documents are both copies of the Book of the Dead - or as known to ancient Egyptians, The Book of Going Forth by Day - and were created during the 19th dynasty of the New Kingdom. With a total length of nearly 78 feet, the Ani Papyrus is the most complete surviving version of the Book of the Dead.
Our photos show a few details of the magnificent wall display:

Anubis attending the mummy of the deceased, flanked by the goddesses Isis and Nephthys.

Priests performing the Opening of the Mouth ceremony on the mummy while his family is grieving.

Thoth, the god of writing, records the proceedings as the deceased's heart is measured against the feather of Ma'at, while Horus leads the deceased to Osiris, after he successfully passed the measuring of the heart.
Image on top of the page: The Ba bird visiting the mummy of the deceased in the tomb.